Why I Seldom Check My Breasts

The fear of discovering breast cancer is one which I suspect I share with many women. Because we’d all rather enjoy another carefree day.

Likes for Obituaries

Is it me, or do others agree that adding a ‘Like’ function to obituaries is not a match made in heaven?

The Unexpected Dilemma of a Sick Rescue Dog

For any other rescue dog owners out there, this story might be worth bearing in mind if your own dog falls sick.

Why I’m anti antibiotics and how they saved my life

How dare the meat industry ET AL  surreptitiously dose me to death with the very substances that I may yet rely on to save my life?

autumn desk

Why a 20th Memorial Anniversary Dinner was a Fabulous Idea

The dinner party, held in Agneta’s honour — and more importantly — in her spirit, morphed from an initial hugging orgy among people who hadn’t met for two decades into a complete boozy hoot.

A visit to the World Trade Center Museum

One little girl had won her trip in a competition. Her tattered library card is among the artefacts.