
Thank you, Theresa May

For any news junkie with an interest in history and politics, watching Sir Tim Barrow deliver the letter to the EU that would trigger Article 50 and kick-start the Brexit process was required Live viewing. The BBC faithfully followed events in Brussels and Westminster. I sat glued. Then my blood began to boil.

Likes for Obituaries

Is it me, or do others agree that adding a ‘Like’ function to obituaries is not a match made in heaven?

The Unexpected Dilemma of a Sick Rescue Dog

For any other rescue dog owners out there, this story might be worth bearing in mind if your own dog falls sick.

Why writing a second novel is proving harder than writing my first

And suddenly, starting my next novel is proving a completely different animal. It’s harder, much harder. It’s not for a lack of ideas — I’ve tons of beautiful threads in my research files that are just waiting to be woven into intricate tapestries. It’s the knowing how much there is to get right.

Why I’m anti antibiotics and how they saved my life

How dare the meat industry ET AL  surreptitiously dose me to death with the very substances that I may yet rely on to save my life?

Old open book with magic light and falling stars on wooden table

Agent to the Stars by John Scalzi

Sci-Fi movies do not tend to ding my dong in quite the same way as drama or rom coms, and I would no doubt have given the book a miss. As things turned out, I was sucked in before the penny dropped.